Artist Statement

I cannot say that all my life I have wanted to be an artist. What I can say, though is that throughout my life I have recognized and developed a need to create art. I have a deep love of learning and an intense desire to slap paint on a canvas. I emphasize my motivation because I believe that is where art truly lies – in the act of deliberative, imaginative, yet calculated working. My paintings themselves may not be to everyone’s liking, but I am confident that I bring a contemplative fire to every classroom, studio, and gallery. My work represents these bold facets of my personality. The fact that I cannot hold a pen in my hand without writing or drawing something. Thickly laid paint. Wiping back paintings countless times. Hundreds of preliminary drawings, most of which end up in the trash. These practices reflect my thirst for improvement and the desire to work earnestly.

More than anything, what I hope to gain from pursuing art is to do what I love and love what I do. Even in the face of criticism, I remember that I had enough energy and care to create the work in the first place. I remain open-minded and absorb the opinions of my peers and professors, while keeping in mind that some merit lies in the fact that it came to be at all. Even with a weak painting that I may have struggled with for weeks, I can remind myself that it would not exist if I had not made it. As I have gone through life and met new people, I have cultivated the passion to create and do so boldly.
